
The Tasmanian Names Index searches records from a wide range of sources.

Help us to improve the Names Index

Our policy is to index names as they are spelt in the original record. If you find any other mistakes or missing records you can help us make our Names Index even better by letting us know at

You can get copies of items not available online. Please fill in a form available on the Copies from our collections page.

Using the Tasmanian Names Index tab


To start searching the Tasmanian Names Index, click the Search button at the top of our website:

This will open the search panel – click on Names Index, enter your terms and click Search:

This will take you into the catalogue where your search results will display.

At anytime you can clear your search and start your search again by clicking the reset icon (1).

Enter your search into the search box and press the Enter key or click the search icon (2).

Search for a single word or multiple words or a phrase. If you want an exact phrase you need to surround the phrase with double quotation marks.

Search examples:

  • clarence
  • lady bird
  • “Brown John”

If using a quoted search the order is important. For example “John Brown” will not find records associated with John Brown as the names in this index always display with last name first i.e. Brown, John

The default selection is All Fields or use the drop-down to select various fields including Name, Ship, Place registered, Census district and more:

Results listing

Your results display:

  1. Your search so far. Click on the red cross to remove your search term
  2. Options on the lefthand side that can be used to limit your search results
  3. Links to the full detail record. Click on an image or name of the person

Limiting search results

The categories to the left of your results can be used to limit your results.

The Record type, Year and Name categories are expanded. The other categories can be expanded by clicking the + icon:

For each expanded category the top 5 limits display.

To select a limit(s), click the checkbox(es) and click the Select button:

This shows us that the results have been narrowed down to the Ship John Calvin and the name John Brown:

Records can be removed from your results by clicking the Ignore button:

The results now include those for John Brown, but exclude any results for a John Brown who came on the ship Tasmania

If there are more than 5 limits, all can be displayed by clicking View All:

Options may be sorted A to Z and the required limits selected or ignored:

You can also limit your search results by adding extra search words or phrases.

Year limits

The year category always displays 5 limits

When you select a range, the years are split into 5 more limit ranges allowing you to continue to drill down until single years display:

Viewing a record

You can view the resource within this record (1) but we recommend you click on the Resource link (2) to open the digitised record in another browser tab. You can also download the highest quality copy of this record by clicking “Download Copy” (3)

Clicking the red links will perform a new search for the words in that link. For example, a subject search for all Record Types “Wills”

The action icons (4) allow you to:

  • Change to a print friendly browser view
  • Email the record
  • Add the record to a list – see My Lists on the Library Catalogue help

Click Permalink (5) to display the unique web address for this record which you can bookmark in your browser:

Frequently asked questions

Can you use Boolean searching or wildcards?

No, but the Tasmanian Names Index uses fuzzy logic to provide relevant search results even if the original question is unclear or misspelt. Fuzzy logic searching allows you to find not only results from the name or other term that you have searched for, but also ones that are related to it. For example, a search for Healy will also find Healey.

Where can I find more information on my heritage?

Our online guides provide a wealth of information for the family historian or anyone doing research about Tasmania and Tasmanians.

What can I do if I find a mistake?

Our policy is to index names as they are spelt in the original record. If you find any other mistakes or missing records you can help us make our Names Index even better by letting us know at

Is there anywhere else I can search for names?

You can search Tasmanian Archives for names.

What can I do if I need help using the Names Index?

Contact us to get help during business hours.

Are these the same Birth Death and Marriage records I used to find through the Pioneers Index and microfilm?

Yes, but with the Tasmanian Names Index you can search and view the records online instead of having to get a reference number and then search a microfilm for the corresponding record.

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